Tuesday, July 21, 2009

English muffins

Everyone's been posting about English muffins lately. I was going to hold off on making these until we got a toaster, but I just can't help it. I wanted them for breakfast. I have visions of egg and cheese sandwiches in the future. Today, we don't have any eggs. I'm eating these with jam and butter, which is my favorite way to eat them. I might even make an English muffin pizza for lunch. Maybe I'll make eggs Benedict someday. Oh, the possibilities! These are fantastic. They taste just like English muffins like I remember. Mine are slightly dark from the teff and sorghum, if you'd like them lighter use one of the recipes below, or use white rice flour in their place.

Apparently, there are two ways of making English muffins. Jacobi over at learning how to cook gluten free makes a thick pancake-type batter, and cooks hers on the stove. This seemed a bit labor-intensive for me today. Ellen, from I am gluten free, makes a version of Annalise Roberts' English muffins, which are whipped up, left to rise, and then baked. This was more my style this morning, it's not too hot to use the oven, and I didn't have to stand over the stove. I fully intend to try the other style some day when I'm feeling less lazy.

English muffins
Adapted from Annalise Roberts

1/2 c sorghum flour
1/4 c teff flour
1/2 c tapioca starch
1/4 c potato starch
1 t xanthan gum
1/2 t salt
1 T sugar
scant 1 T yeast
1 t olive oil
3/4 c plus 1 T hot water (about 110 degrees)

Whisk together the dry ingredients, then add the oil and hot water. Stir until blended, then beat 2 minutes. Spray the sides of your English muffin tins with baking spray (or if you don't have them, feel free to use tuna cans with the bottom cut off, or just fold up some aluminum foil and form circles).
Place the rings on a greased cookie sheet, and sprinkle coarse cornmeal in the bottoms. Divide the batter between the rings, I used about 1/4 cup for each. Smooth the tops, then let rise for 20 minutes. While the muffins are rising, preheat the oven to 375.

Once the ovens are preheated and the muffins have risen, bake them for 15 minutes. If you'd like both sides browned, flip them halfway through. Otherwise only one side will be brown, which is fine with me. Remove the baked muffins from their molds and cool on a rack. Split them with a fork, and eat with butter and jam, egg sandwiches, or however you'd like. They're delicious.
You know what else? These are vegan.


  1. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Yummy :) You are awesome!!!

  2. These are so cool!

    I love english muffins! Like you said there are so many uses for them and of course, they have to be
    gluten free...lol!


  3. Brilliant! I am trying this recipe. (when i get the time, that is...) How's married life treating you?

  4. This looks like the best recipe for these I've seen! I've been looking for something more whole grain and you hit the spot! Thank you! Also, check out my new website where I have gluten-free, sugar-free, and dairy-free food reviews and recipes! It's http://www.foodintolerances.wordpress.com

    Thanks! Emily

  5. I am still recovering from the flu, and yet I am madly plotting whether I've got the gusto to make these today! I've had only a few English muffins in my life (past, pre-GF, life?), that I actually liked. Those grocery store ones never quite interested me. We'll see about these!

    When replacing sorghum flour, do you prefer to use millet or rice? I'm debating...Thanks.

  6. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Was it wrong that I got the teensiest bit excited when I saw you were out of egg? I wistfully picked up a package of GF English muffins at the store a couple of weeks ago, hoping they'd be egg-free despite the fact that I knew they'd be, at best, mediocre. They were not to be. As a result, I've been contemplating modifying the recipe in Veganomicon, but I'm so glad you beat me to it. I can't wait to try these.

  7. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I'm de-lurking to say how much I like your recipes! Also, when you use the yeast (above), what kind of yeast do you use (or does it not matter)?

  8. Mmmm I just finished my last batch of english muffins and need to make some more- I think I will try this method next time. It does look a lot easier. Now I can compare the two and see if there is any difference in the finished product!

  9. Yum! These look really good =D. I've got to try making my own english muffins!!

  10. Woo-hoo, rice-free too.

    All I have to do to make them legal for my niece (they're already legal for the rest of us) is to use a safe sweetener (no corn, no cane) and see if I can rise them with baking powder instead of yeast!

  11. these look great! I am about to go on a long road trip and need to bring gluten free food with me. How long do you think these english muffins will last and still taste good?

  12. Hey you! Those look great and I'm thinking of trying them. You need English Muffin rings, girlie! All that messing about with aluminum foil and tuna cans would drive me crazy. You can get them really cheap on Amazon... I've had mine for years and love them so much I have to proselytize. ;)


  13. I must agree with Sea - English Muffin rings are a must. You'll wonder why you waited so long. It's been awhile since you posted this (and by the way, thanks for the shout out to me) - have you gotten the rings?!?

  14. Anonymous2:38 PM

    These turned out like hockey pucks for me. I triple checked the recipe and ingredients and don't know what happened. Possibly because of the altitude I should have added more liquid? I'm trying your flours with a Bette Hagman recipe and I hope I get some nice muffins as your photos make me hungry for nice muffins!

  15. Wow, I messed up my first two attempts and commented here but I don't see that comment. Anyway, I think I made hockey pucks one time. I figured it out, third time's the charm. A combo of high altitude and the need for more moisture and longer cooking time. But now I have the MOST excellent muffins ever. THANK YOU from the bottom of my gluten-free heart!

  16. Pure genius! These things are so divinely chewy and soft! I followed the recipe exactly (for once) and they turned out totally perfect. Thanks!

  17. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Wow, I love the idea of the aluminium foil rings. They are great. The shape of the muffins are well maintained during dough rising and baking. 5 Starts to you.

  18. Old post, but i just tried your recipe and the texture is great, but the taste is too yeasty. What am I doing wrong? Are you supposed to proof the yeast before, or just mix it into the dry ingredients? Thanks!

  19. Great idea about the foil rings! I'm definitely going to try these - but maybe as a sourdough. I'll let you know how they turn out x x x
