Monday, September 6, 2010

Things I love about vacation, part 1

Bacon and onion cheese curds

Butterscotch root beer

GF burger bun and fries from Stack'd in Milwaukee

Camping dinners

Butterscotch peanut butter cups (!!!!)

BBQ from a gas station

And fuzzy giraffe mouths at the drive-thru African Safari we found in Ohio.


  1. ohhh how i love cheese curds!!!! yum yum

  2. Bacon and Onion curds?! Where did you get those?

  3. Anonymous3:46 AM

    I was drooling until the giraffe!! x

  4. I love your pictures! And all of that food looks amazing! I wonder where I can get my hands on some butterscotch reese's?!!

  5. Yes, I think you'll have to share with me some butterscotch root beer and the cups, please!

  6. admittedly I am a google reader addict. Which means that I'm naughty and don't click over to your blog, but instead I read your posts lazily in the reader. HOWEVER tonight I am writing a post for tomorrow about oatmeal and I was listing all the things I crave instead of oatmeal; your eggs benedict being one of them! SO I clicked over to link to you and I must tell you, "Lady! Your site looks awesome!! Clean. Professional. Crisp. Love it!"

  7. bacon & onion cheese curds... oh, my. The wonderfulness.

  8. LOVE that giraffe photo! :)
