Saturday, August 14, 2010


All right. So I've finally cleaned up my site, now all the links work, and it looks a little cleaner. If you aren't listed and would like to be on the links page, let me know.

Also I got a neat film camera that I am trying to learn the quirks of, so maybe I will be able to post real film photos of food. Who knows! Anyway, see you soon!


  1. Did you get rid of the search bar? I can't seem to find it anywhere...

  2. Girl, when you say clean you mean CLEAN!! lol

  3. hello hello... just stumbled upon your blog and i had to comment! love your recipes! grilled cheese egg in a basket... sauerkraut latkes! stop it! yum yum cant wait to try these out and read more from you :)

  4. the site looks great! i hardly recognized it :) i can't wait to see the photos you post from this camera!
