Thursday, July 27, 2006


I had a disaster in the kitchen last night. I sliced my thumb pretty bad when I was cutting onions for bruschetta. I cut most things with a meat cleaver because it is the sharpest, and feels the best in my hand. I have some other good knives but I don’t have a knife sharpener so they're all pretty useless. Plus I love this cleaver. I was slicing fine and talking to Kelly and whoops! Got the tip of my thumb. I sliced a good chunk of the nail. We only have bacon and egg band-aids Kelly got from Urban.

So I’m at work today with a bacon band-aid over the tip of my thumb.

Last night was basketball night so no cooking. Well, nothing serious. That gluten-free bread I was talking about before, which is not good, is good for two things that I’ve found so far. The first being stuffing, the other being bruschetta (or other things that need little toasts). Crisp them up in the oven, brushed with olive oil and top with tomatoes; broil a second, and yum! I also made a quick pizza with frozen GF pizza crust (from Wholefoods), the rest of the bruschetta tomatoes, and a French cheese that made Kelly leave the kitchen complaining about the “feet smell”.

Bruschetta on GF bread:
6 pieces of GF bread
2 or 3 tomatoes, diced
Olive oil
1 small onion
3 or more cloves garlic, chopped fine
Balsamic vinegar
Herbs- basil, oregano, cilantro, whatever you have on hand

Brush the bread with olive oil and toast in the oven until it’s pretty dry. Combine garlic, herbs and a drizzle of olive oil in a bowl. Mash them all together, adding more oil as necessary. Add tomatoes and onion, mixing well. Drizzle on balsamic vinegar and toss in some salt. Let sit in the fridge for a few minutes while the bread toasts. Top bread with tomato mix, eat as is or broil for a minute until tomatoes are heated through. This is also good topped with cheese.

Tonight I’m going to eat leftovers and popcorn for dinner, I have too many leftovers and I hate to throw out food.

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